Freitag, 10.12.21
KizInvasion: Winter Feelings – ABGESAGT!
Winter Feelings
Die Veranstaltung muss coronabedingt abgesagt werden - Tickets werden zurück erstattet
Tickets haben nur Gültigkeit in Verbindung mit einem gültigem Personalausweis sowie einem der folgenden Nachweise:
- Geimpfte: Digitaler oder physischer Impfpass
- Genesene: Nachweis über einen positiven PCR-Test (mind. 28 Tage alt, jedoch nicht älter als sechs Monate)
PLUS: Negativer tagesaktueller Coronatestnachweis (zertifierter Antigenschnelltest oder PCR Test)
Winter Feelings
❄️ ☃️ Welcome to the first edition of Winter Feelings Frankfurt ☃️ ❄️
💠🔹 10th to 12th of December 2021 🔹💠
Before the cold winter really starts, we will warm up you with great Kizomba music, made by DJ SaiSai, DJ Snakes, DJ Alnova, DJ Narcisse… We are happy to welcome the great Urban Kiz Teachers Curtis & Carola, Enah & Pocahontas as well as the amazing (body isolation goddess) Oksana Sidorskaya.
💎✨ DJ LINE UP ✨ 💎
▸ DJ SaïSaï (Paris)
▸ DJ Snakes (Paris)
▸ DJ Alnova (Paris)
▸ DJ Narc6(Germany)
▸ DJ Neiken(Italy)
▸ DJ Magic Sunshine(Germany)
▸ Dj harryz kizz
▸ Dj LongChamp
▸ Sara Lopez & Enah Lebon (Urban Kizomba)
▸ Carola & Curtis (Urban Kizomba)
▸ Oksana (Body Isolation)
▸ Franky Kizzfly Charly
▸ Aleksandra & Murmel
▸ Funomen
▸ Le Gang
❄️💠✨ HIGHLIGHT ✨💠❄️
We have a DANCE CONTEST, where you can show your dance style.
To register for the contest, contact as via email or write us via Facebook (registration only as couple).
❗️❗️ Corona ... ❗️❗️
2G Rules
▸ (Changes of regulation are possible anytime)
▸ONLY following people will be allowed to participate on the event:
- Fully vaccinated (Last shot min. since 2 weeks)
- Healed from Covid (proven by a positive PCR Test older than 28 days but not older than 6 months)
We are looking forward to see you at winter feeling